
Sketched animatics from the artist's work.

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This project is the short and limited collection of my animatics that I created during the years for my artistic side of animation. They are very personal to me and showcase the growth and changes I experienced as progressing in this field

All of these sketches represent visual research I did to learn how to make things move on their core level, unfiltered and raw. The movements can be detected in all the sketch lines, redos, draw overs etc.

This collection taught me that we as humans should be more free in our expression. When I started, my sketches were very controlled and fixed; almost scared. As you grow and try to free your hand, wonderful things start to happen, in a way you cannot be taught in school.

Some of these are obviously very personal, stemming from my personal life experiences, relationships and world views. They are inspired by the events in our lives that most of us experience and which fundamentally make us human, flaws and all.

When we are free, we create our best work. When we are released from the shackles of "perfection" and control, the road becomes more fun - and we find out a lot more along the way <3


Artist: Hiena